
Logo Ethosa
Ethosa is an ambitious and innovative beauty start-up on a mission to disrupt the industry with innovative waterless beauty & personal care products that set new standards for sustainability. Beyond that, Ethosa wants to transform people’s expectations about beauty, enabling conversations with the environment at the core, and empowering people to make confident, planet-positive choices. They are a brand that’s committed to encouraging people to all work together to safeguard our planet’s future.

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At Ethosa, protecting bees is very important to us. Bees are indeed vital for the preservation of ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. They provide one of the most recognisable ecosystem services, i.e. pollination, which is what makes food production possible. They are essential to our survival and this is why Ethosa want to do everything they can to protect them.

Que se passe-t-il ce mois-ci sur votre rucher ?

Chères Marraines, chers Parrains,
Le mois d’avril marque la transition entre la fin de la période de pause hivernale et le redémarrage intense de l’activité pour nos abeilles.
C’est une période charnière durant laquelle vos parrainages vont permettre aux apiculteurs de palier les pertes d’hiver et maintenir les colonies en bonne santé, assurant ainsi la pérennité d’un beau métier.
En ce...

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